2016 Money Challenge

9:00 AM

I've never been very good in handling my finances. My credit card would testify to that. With that of course, comes a hard lesson learned... or at least a lesson I've closely paid attention to. Still, old spending habits die hard and the habit of saving has ultimately become out of reach. That doesn't mean i have stopped trying.

One of my goals this year is to make SAVING a HABIT. I think everyone would agree that this can be at times (specially during the holiday season), very tough. Believe me i even have a plan but somehow i find myself deviating.

I found this challenge earlier last year - 52-Week Money Challenge by Philip Taylor. I've read a few articles and found that it would make much more sense to reverse it. Like i said, holidays can be tough.

This is what i came up with - Reverse 52-Week Money Challenge. I've created a template (currency is in Peso) to keep track of my target and progress - an attempt to get things (finances) in order and finally acquire a habit that's actually essential to life.

You can use it too if you wish... Just save yourself a copy on your device. If you're having trouble downloading the template, please let me know by leaving a comment. :)

Good luck!

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