Reality Bites

11:24 PM

Growing up, I was never really taught the value of money. Sure they tell you money don't grow on trees and that everything you want in life you have to work hard for. But when you're never put through the necessary training to fully comprehend just how difficult it is to earn money and most importantly save up, you are in big trouble. I'm certain you already know where this post is heading but indulge me.

Like I said, I was never taught the value of money. I was never taught the concept of budgeting. I was taught that if you want something, do well in school. And I did. So much so, they let me have 3 credit cards with credit limits a teen should never be given access to. In no time, my concept of budgeting is basically buying whatever it is I THINK I need or is needed in our household with no regard to the price. And since I never had to pay for anything, I didn't have a care in the world. If I wanted to go shopping, all I needed to do was let my mom know that I'm going on shopping spree and that would be it.

At some point, they thought I was getting a little out of hand so they limited my regular shopping to certain stores. If I wanted to shop elsewhere I would have to ask permission and I should have a "valid" reason as to why. I was a kid. I'd make up reasons I think would be acceptable to get my way and buy whatever it is I wanted. Don't judge. I know you've done this too. By all means, stop reading if you've never been guilty of a "kick-back" from the parents - the inexistent school projects, those "school trips"... Yeah, I'm looking at you. Haha! It's not funny though for the one paying all my sh*t. Racking up An average of... per month is no joke. And my mom was definitely not laughing. So much so, my mom decided enough is enough and that I had to learn how to manage my finances. That was last year. And now, it has finally sunk in.

After (almost) a year of adjustment, I am still adjusting. Lol. But slowly, I am learning. Admittedly very difficult, but I know it will be worthy lesson. A lesson that must be learned so that I will be finally an independent individual.

Here's to a year of adjustment and reality constantly biting me on the behind. 

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