I'm a lazy person. I think almost everyone near and dear to me knows that. I love lounging and just taking it easy... Specially after a rough work week. So really it's no surprise that a post on the "art" of being lazy will find its way on my blog.
So let me take you through a great weekend - My perfect Sunday.
The most important element to make a weekend perfect is.... Drum roll please.
A relaxing setting is the only way to go. I like being near the water as it is a very calming element.
Something as scenic as a clean beach with turquoise water or a well-made pool surrounded by palm trees will definitely do the trick. You're practically halfway to zen zone.
Next? FOOD. Comfort food is always the best. This of course varies depending on what a person thinks is comfort food for him. I for one depends on what I'm craving for that day. Although I do have my go-to dishes that (if cooked right) will always put a huge smile on my face.
Nachos (with really good chili!)
Grilled anything! Specially SQUID 😋
Charlie Chan pasta
Red velvet cake
Ceilin's chocolate cake
Original glaze donuts
I could go on.... But let's leave it at that. Lol.
Just a disclaimer, I wouldn't exactly have all that together because a.) it's just wrong and b.) there's no way I can fit all that in one afternoon. Hahaha!
Now after gorging yourself, you'll need to wash it down with a cold bev. I for one, like cocktails in the afternoon. A few favorites are:
Amaretto Sour
Frozen Strawberry Margaritamm
Cranberry Vodka
Sex on the beach
Or if you wanna go old school, a nice ice-cold beer.
I love:
Pivo Praha Weizen
Blue Moon
Dos Equis
Then again you can always go with sodas and juices. Either way it's entirely up to you.
Now that we've tackled the basics, let's get to to the nitty gitties. Shall we?
Activities. Obviously... Go swimming! But when you're not in the water it's nice to just take a nap. The fresh air makes it more inviting. Or better yet catch up on some reading. Those Ebooks aren't going to read it themselves.
Eat. Drink. Nap/Read. Swim. Repeat.
Happy weekend!
Hugs & besos!