I've always had sleeping problems - so bad i could stay awake until 4 or 5:00 AM. And not having at least 7 hours of sleep is not good for my productivity. I work and think slower. So I've come up with a few ways to ensure that i do go to bed on time and have enough rest to get me though the next day.
1. Set a Bed Time
I used to think this is unnecessary but has proven to be helpful (if you choose to really stick to it). Most people need eight hours of sleep in order to function at their best but this really differs i believe. I for one would be okay with seven hours. To help me stick to the plan and make a habit out of it, i set an alarm. This way i don't have to keep checking the time just to see if it's time for bed. My phone will do that for me.
2. Disconnect
Thirty minutes prior, disconnect. Let go of all of your gadgets - switch your phone to airplane mode. This way you won't get tempted to check your Instagram and Facebook feeds. And checking those social media accounts will hook you in, making you miss the right bed time.
3. Find your scent
I like aromatherapy. Who doesn't? This can actually help you go to bed faster. A few spritz of linen spray should do the trick. The most recommended scent would be lavender but i use ginger essence. This is a cheap and easy way to bring in a soothing element that will help you slumber in peace.
There you have it. Here's hoping this 3 easy tricks will help for a problem-free bed time and wake up energized, ready to take on the day.
Hugs & Besos