Sometimes we are put in a predicament wherein we question whether what happened was how exactly it should be. And sometimes we find ourselves confused and most of the time hurt. Often times we even ask ourselves what kind of person we are or what we have done to deserve where we are or how we were treated.
Makes you wonder. Makes you ask a lot of questions. We ask ourselves why it happened... how. I find that its okay to ask questions, so long you're asking the right ones. We all know it can't be helped. Asking "those" kind of questions is normal. However, at some point you have to start asking yourself the right questions - the important questions to be exact. Like, where do I go from here? How should I look at things? How do i move forward? When we start asking these kind of questions, we are on the road to progress. The last thing you would want, is to be stuck in a routine that you do not benefit from. This road will not be easy. You will sometimes see yourself on the fast lane to recovery only to one day hit a wall and find yourself feeling like you're back to square one. But you just have to be you're own bestfriend and remind yourself of the benefits of moving forward. You have to remind yourself that things are just the way they have to be and that it could only get better.
And things will get better. Eventually. It might not seem like it right now but one day you're gonna wake up and say, "hmmm.." (with an unfazed tone). One day. One day you'll no longer ask questions meant for someone who will never give you a straight answer. One day you'll no longer ask questions that you cannot answer. One day you'll no longer question the decisions you have made. One day you will be certain.
This is not a matter of when but a matter of how. Ask yourself the right questions. Questions that only you can answer and no one else. With the right questions, you can put things in perspective and act thereon.
Makes you wonder. Makes you ask a lot of questions. We ask ourselves why it happened... how. I find that its okay to ask questions, so long you're asking the right ones. We all know it can't be helped. Asking "those" kind of questions is normal. However, at some point you have to start asking yourself the right questions - the important questions to be exact. Like, where do I go from here? How should I look at things? How do i move forward? When we start asking these kind of questions, we are on the road to progress. The last thing you would want, is to be stuck in a routine that you do not benefit from. This road will not be easy. You will sometimes see yourself on the fast lane to recovery only to one day hit a wall and find yourself feeling like you're back to square one. But you just have to be you're own bestfriend and remind yourself of the benefits of moving forward. You have to remind yourself that things are just the way they have to be and that it could only get better.
And things will get better. Eventually. It might not seem like it right now but one day you're gonna wake up and say, "hmmm.." (with an unfazed tone). One day. One day you'll no longer ask questions meant for someone who will never give you a straight answer. One day you'll no longer ask questions that you cannot answer. One day you'll no longer question the decisions you have made. One day you will be certain.
This is not a matter of when but a matter of how. Ask yourself the right questions. Questions that only you can answer and no one else. With the right questions, you can put things in perspective and act thereon.
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