Carpe Diem.
Carpe diem is a phrase from a Latin poem by Horace that has become an aphorism. It is popularly translated as "seize the day". Carpe literally means "to pick, pluck, pluck off, cull, crop, gather", but Ovid used the word in the sense of, "To enjoy, seize, use, make use of". [source:]
I knew this phrase by heart but never really put it into practice. I always thought that in life, you always have to think of tomorrow and that going with the flow, living life one day at a time was never an option. But in life, unexpected things are to be expected. Things won't always go as planned and we won't always get what we want. And when such things happen, all you could ever just do is pat yourself at the back, stand on your two feet and keep on walking.
Sometimes, you spend all your time planning things that are yet to come that you forget to stop and breathe. Or think of things that needs to be thought through. I guess that sort of happened to me. I was stuck in this dream i weaved myself that i forgot about real life. I forgot that i could get hurt and that i couldn't always get the results that i want no matter how i try to manipulate the outcome. It took me about a year to accept things for what they are and what they can be before i actually committed myself into this mantra.The future is yet to be told and that we have to live life one day at a time. There is no point in worrying one's self of things that are yet to come, specially when the heart and/or soul needs healing. Focusing on what's at hand and what you still have is not only a good diversion but an appropriate mindset too. Living life one day at a time helps you refocus and regroup. This helps one rethink of what else he/she wants out of life and make one's way towards making it a reality. Live life one day at a time. Carpe Diem!
Carpe diem is a phrase from a Latin poem by Horace that has become an aphorism. It is popularly translated as "seize the day". Carpe literally means "to pick, pluck, pluck off, cull, crop, gather", but Ovid used the word in the sense of, "To enjoy, seize, use, make use of". [source:]
I knew this phrase by heart but never really put it into practice. I always thought that in life, you always have to think of tomorrow and that going with the flow, living life one day at a time was never an option. But in life, unexpected things are to be expected. Things won't always go as planned and we won't always get what we want. And when such things happen, all you could ever just do is pat yourself at the back, stand on your two feet and keep on walking.
Sometimes, you spend all your time planning things that are yet to come that you forget to stop and breathe. Or think of things that needs to be thought through. I guess that sort of happened to me. I was stuck in this dream i weaved myself that i forgot about real life. I forgot that i could get hurt and that i couldn't always get the results that i want no matter how i try to manipulate the outcome. It took me about a year to accept things for what they are and what they can be before i actually committed myself into this mantra.The future is yet to be told and that we have to live life one day at a time. There is no point in worrying one's self of things that are yet to come, specially when the heart and/or soul needs healing. Focusing on what's at hand and what you still have is not only a good diversion but an appropriate mindset too. Living life one day at a time helps you refocus and regroup. This helps one rethink of what else he/she wants out of life and make one's way towards making it a reality. Live life one day at a time. Carpe Diem!